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CARvity Coolant

As we showed a client recently, the variants of coolants we have in stock, he asked, “but wait o, why do I need a coolant? After all, I have water running in my radiator now

As we showed a client recently, the variants of coolants we have in stock, he asked, “but wait o, why do I need a coolant? After all, I have water running in my radiator now and it’s running just fine”. And why his question is valid, perhaps, a better question to ask would be, why do manufacturers pour millions of dollars each year, into radiators in form of red, green and sometimes yellow contents? Isn’t it cheaper to use water? Let’s share why here…

The top benefit of a genuine coolant is temperature regulation. That is why some come with anti-freeze functions. So when your engine gets too cold, the water in the radiator, engine and coolant reservoir don’t freeze. For those in the tropics, that seems impossible. But yeah, water can become hard ice, right inside your engine and cranking the  This benefit also helps your engine from overheating when your car is purring down an expressway with a dangerously high atmospheric temperature. Where water would serve to cool the engine, water will boil easily at 100C. Most engines exceed this temperature and if all you have served your engine at such times is water, then, prepare for a steamy kitchen experience.

Yet another benefit of having a coolant within your cooling system is the anti-rust function it provides. When you open the radiator cap of a number of cars, you find the water therein smeared with rusts